Saturday 5th July, 2014

Early July sees pilots and navigators from all over S.E. Queensland battle it out to be the champion of the Brisbane Valley Sport Aviation Club’s Fun Fly Poker Run. In this game of pure chance the players find their way to three airfields in the district and select a card in an envelope. Last stop is Watts Bridge where the poker hand is completed by the two cards drawn at random by the house.

The great flying conditions saw a record breaking number of 34 participants enjoying a great morning’s flying culminating with a BBQ at the BVSAC Clubrooms.

And so the clear winners of the coveted Fun Fly trophy were Scott and Chris Hendry with a winning hand of three 6’s. But here’s where it gets even better. They had been busy shooting a fantastic video documentary of their winning round!! All shot in high definiton video with a superb sound track. For maximum enjoyment click the video replay into full screen – pump up the volume and go flying with the Hendry’s!!


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