To attend the BVSAC monthly meeting you are required to be a financial member of Watts Bridge Memorial Airfield.

This is because Watts Bridge Memorial Airfield (WBMA) is a private airfield owned and operated  by the members of the airfield on a “User Pays” basis. Attending a meeting is considered to be using the airfield’s facilities and as such you are required to be a member of WBMA.

However: If you are a non-flying member of a Homebase Group there is an arrangement with the Homebase Groups allowing social access to the airfield. This allows club members to attend club meetings and events. Please note this is not WBMA Membership and social access does not allow for a vote at WBMA General Meetings. The Social Access Fee is paid to the Brisbane Valley Sport Aviation Club’s Secretary who is responsible for administering the arrangement with Watts Bridge. The Social Access Fee is $50.00 per year.

If you do not wish to attend the Brisbane Valley Sport Aviation Club monthly meetings, there is no need to be a member of WBMA.

Watts Bridge Memorial Airfield Membership Information can be found at

Watts Bridge Memorial Airfield Questions & Answers can be found at